- Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People Signature 4.0 Certified Trainer (FranklinCovery, US)
- Executive Coach Certificate (Continue Education Division, Cambridge University, UK)
- Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional (CCMP); Advanced
- Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring (ACCM); and Certificate in
- Performance Coaching (CPC) (ITD World, accredited by the
- International Coach Federation (ICF))
- General Management Certificate (Judge College Business School,
- Cambridge University, UK)
- Technology of Facilitation Method Certificate (The Institution of Cultural Affairs (ICA))
- DBM Accredited Consultant (DBM Vietnam)
- SHL Occupational Assessor Certificate (SHL Singapore)
- Bachelors of Arts in Chinese Literature (TamKang University, Taiwan)
- Bachelors of Arts in Education (Taipei Municipal Teachers College, Taiwan)
Her corporate in-house training clients include well-known multinationals such as: AIA, BP/Castrol, BAT, Bayer, BMS, Boa Viet Insurance, Boral, CapitaLand, Castrol, Coca Cola, Cuu Long JOC, Dat Viet, Diethem, DHL, E&Y, Fashion Garment, FPT University, Generali Insurance, Grant Thornton, Ha Tay Brewery, Holcim, Ikea, IMIV, IPL project, Jetstar, Johnson & Johnson, JVPC, Kao, KPMGVietnam, KPMG Thailand, KPMG Laos, Lafarge, LIN Center, Maersk, Manulife, Megastar, Metro Cash and Carry, Nestle, Organon, Pepsi, Phillip Morris, Phu My 3 Power Plant, Piaggio, PPF, Prudential, PV Drilling, PVCFC, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Skunworks, SNV, Sony, Standard Chartered Bank, TNS, TNT, VICEM, Viettel, Victoria My My Healthcare, VNG, West Union and World Bank.
She has also been invited to speak at luncheon/seminar/conference by the following organizations: AmCham HCMC, AmCham Hanoi, AusCham HCMC, Chinese Business Association Vietnam, CTCVN,DatViet, ERC International, EuroCham HCMC, EuroCham Hanoi, FPT University EMBA courses, German Business Associate of Vietnam, IE Singapore, IPL project, NIEW, RMIT HCMC Campus, SMEPS Sana’a and Aden of Yemen, Vietnam Supply Chain Conference.
Organisations like: AA Corporation, Akzo Nobel, AmCham Pharmaceutical Committee, Apple Tree Group, Asia Development Bank, BNPP, Calyon, Dat Viet, Exxon, GAP, ILA, ILO, IMIV, International School Saigon, Jotun, JP Morgan, Line Center, Metro Cash & Carry, Mobile, Monsanto, MPDF, MSD, Pepsi, Phu My Huong Co., PPF, UNIS, Vina Capital, World Bank, have also benefited from her involvement in various HR related consulting projects.
Contact at ask@pansglobal.com
Ms. Jessica has been working in Vietnam since 1997, prior to this she worked in her home country, Taiwan. Her career began in education sector as a public elementary school teacher where she was awarded the 1991 Taipei City Excellent Teacher Award. During her 11 years’ teaching, she also had 5 years’ experience running an after-school centre providing extra curriculum for children aged from 6 to 12. She designed and developed various courses, trained the trainers and developed the centre into a reputable and profitable business.
In 1992, Jessica joined the Asia Pacific Regional Office of KPMG as Office Manager and later was promoted to Senior Manager. During these 5 years, she involved in activities including office management, accounting & financial controlling, human resources management, regional training projects, IT management, and as a consultant in practice management and project management. She worked in several countries in the region including: Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia and Vietnam.
Jessica came to Vietnam in October 1997 with KPMG where she held the position of Administrator & Financial Controller. In this role she implemented a standard practice management system, improved IT system, designed marketing literature and upgraded the recruitment and training functions. At the same time, she worked as a Recruitment Consultant providing recruitment service to clients and as a Marketing and Service Coordinator for Chinese speaking clients.
In January 1999, Jessica joined Bonwick & Associates, a partner of Mercer, to lead the annual Mercer Total Remuneration Survey Project. A year later, she was promoted as Vietnam Business Manager and was responsible for all aspects of Mercer’s operation in Vietnam.
In 2001, Jessica established her own consulting firm, SMART HR, focusing on recruitment, corporate training and HR management consulting. In April 2009, after enjoying 8 years’ success and professional reputation earned in the market, SMART HR was acquired by its project partner Watson Wyatt. The company was merged with Towers Perrin globally and became the number one international HR consulting firm, Towers Watson, in January 2011.
Jessica stayed as Managing Consultant for Towers Watson Vietnam after the acquisition till April 2011 and became a part-time Senior Consultant until June 30, 2012.
On July 1, 2012, Jessica detached from Towers Watson and started her semi-retirement. Based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jessica is now a freelancing trainer, executive coach and public speaker with a direction of sharing her knowledge and experience to help professionals achieve their peak performance and career objectives. She also performs this to non-profit organisations in a volunteer manner.
Jessica draws on her managerial experience in a broad range of business functions focusing on process, quality and people management. She possesses excellent communication skills and can relate to all levels of professionals. She is enthusiastic in the training workshops and quick to build rapport with participants. With a keen sensitivity to objectives, Jessica is excellent in managing both client’s and participants’ expectations and achieves behaviour change results. With her life goal being to help people grow, she is passionate about facilitating learning activities and has trained thousands’ professionals and managers in Vietnam. She also enjoys sharing her ideas and has been invited to speak to various business groups and education organisations.
Specialised Professional Competence
- Executive coaching
- Personal effectiveness improvement
- Leadership and management skill upgrade
- Group training/workshop design, delivery and facilitation
- HR management strategy, set-up and improvement
- Training needs analysis and training planning
- Total remuneration survey
- Compensation &benefits management
- Assessment and recruitment
- Project management
- Entrepreneurship &business set-up
- Accountingmanagement
- IT strategy and management
- Business process &knowledge management implementation
- Chinese Mandarin language teaching(certified)